The Season Of Spring

In ancient Chinese theory, Spring is the season of the wood element. We notice that in nature, this is a time of rebirth as the trees once again begin to sprout, the leaves begins to thicken and colour returns, almost from nothing. 

This is the creative part of the five element cycle, a time to spring into something new, begin projects and take those first steps on a new path. If we think about how wood shows up in nature, it grows with decisive action in an upward direction. This is mirrored in us. 

Wood is intrinsically flexible, bending, curving and tilting in the winds, or growing around obstacles blocking its way. It is reaching upwards in an evolutionary growth process. This is what this element gives to us, in body, mind and spirit. 

On the level of the mind this is the ability to regroup and change the plan. Someone who has become rigid in their thinking or inflexible in their opinions might have an imbalance in the wood element. 

Physically this can manifest in tightness in the tendons and the muscles which are the associated body part of the wood element. 

Spiritually this imbalance can manifest as feeling stuck, feeling powerless to make this first step on our spiritual path. By visiting our Five Element Acupuncture clinic here in Shoreditch, London we can work with you to alleviate these manifestations and help you harness this energy that nature is gifting us at this time. 



The Five Elements