The Five Elements

In Five Element Theory we see patients through the prism of the natural world and the five elements, as was done in ancient China. Wu xing (five elements or five phases) focuses on the cosmic cycles between the elements of fire, water, wood, earth and metal, viewed in nature and in us. In this cycle, each element gives birth to the preceding element. Therefore the health of the element is largely determined by the health of the element that came before.

To understand the qualities of each element in how they interrelate with one another is the job of a Five Element Acupuncturist. These qualities give us insight into human character, behaviour, temperament and preference. 

We each have all of the qualities of all of the five elements present in us, but in varying volumes and varying states of health. Five Element Acupuncture works to bring these elements into balance to alleviate symptoms or spiritual dis-ease. Rooted in the Ancient theory of Taoism this system of medicine is focused on helping patients walk their individual path in life, helping them reacquaint themselves with who they were destined to be. 

We are all born with a element that is most imbalanced and these have distinct signs which are recognised by five element acupuncturists. Diagnostic indicators include the colour of the skin, the sound of the voice, the smell of the body and the dominant emotion in the person. way the person responds to events in their life. The aim of treatment is to address the underlying imbalance, strengthening the elemental constitution, restoring balance amongst the five elements. 

Treating the subtle energetics of a patient, using needles, moxa and a clear intention often leads to profound changes within the individual, addressing physical symptoms, restoring a clear sense of who they are whilst helping them see their path.  


The question of fertility


The Season Of Spring