What is five element acupuncture?

Five element acupuncture is a form of Ancient Chinese Medicine that differs from the more popular TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) acupuncture. Rather than treating symptoms themselves, five element acupuncture treats underlying imbalances in the system, that are the cause of symptoms and syndromes in the body, the mind or the spirit. This means, not only is this system of medicine great for the body and physical health, but also mental health and spiritual wellness.

Five element acupuncture works on the basis that we are all a unique manifestation of the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. We are in optimal health when these five elements are balanced. This system of medicine tells us symptoms are messages from the body, indicating imbalance.

Some examples of how imbalance expresses itself and manifests are:

Anxiety/ Depression/ Limiting fears or phobias/ Fertility and hormonal issues including PCOS and PMT / Immune disorders / Physical aches and pains such as back pain / Insomnia / Addictions / Fatigue/ Digestive problems and IBS.

Can five element acupuncture help with fertility problems? Is it safe?

Having trained under Gerad Kite, master acupuncturist, fertility expert and author of The Art of Baby Making there has been a particular focus on fertility within our training. 

Ancient Chinese Medicine approaches fertility very differently from Western practitioners, and even from acupuncturists practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Five Element Acupuncture teaches us that every human being has an innate ability to self-heal and return to full health, By working to awaken this natural state we can enhance fertility in both man and woman.

Five element acupuncture is safe to access at any point in your fertility journey and is complimentary to any treatment you are already receiving, whilst also being a great fertility treatment on it’s own. If you want to read more on how Five Element approaches fertility please go to my post on this subject. 

Where might I be needled? How will I feel? 

There are acupuncture points all over the body, but these will be needled only with your consent. Unlike medical needles, acupuncture needles are incredibly thin, about the size of 2 or 3 human hairs. Patients leave feeling relaxed after sessions, however you will be able to go about your day as normal. 

The structure of appointments

The first appointment is 1.5 - 2 hours, this allows for enough time for me to truly get to know you. I will ask a series of questions, not only about your physical health, but also about your life up to this point. This includes mapping out historic stories of trauma, present challenges and future desires. This will ultimately guide me to acupuncture points for your individual needs. Following appointments are an hour in total,