The Fire Element: the key to healthy relationships

In Ancient Chinese Tradition, along with the 12 vital organs there are two functions, circulation sex (or the heart protector) and the three heater. These functions belong to the fire element and therefore as associated with the season of now; Summer. 

These two functions regulate appropriate relationships with both the outside world and self. As the name suggests circulation sex protects the heart from trauma with its innate knowledge on when its safe to be open hearted. It is the centre of our generosity, compassion and warmth and it regulates appropriate joy and pleasure and expressions of love.

The image conjured is of a gate that can become locked in either open or close. If this function isn't working properly, a person might struggle with healthy boundaries, receiving blow after blow to the heart, but unable to put in place the appropriate barriers to keep themselves safe. Burning too brightly, a persons fire blazes out of control and leads to destruction. Alternatively they could shut themselves off from others, unable to receive love and compassion, appearing as cold hearted as a person's fire turns to an ashy ember. 

We can boost and tone the health of this function in you by accessing points along the circulation sex meridian. Each point on this channel has a different capacity and power. As practitioners we are trying to find the root cause of imbalance within you and will be guided to certain points to help specific functions in you.



The question of fertility