Grace is a licensed and qualified Five Element Acupuncturist (BA. Hons, Lic.Ac.), having trained with Master Acupuncturist and fertility expert Gerad Kite as well as leading practitioner and author on East Asian medicine, Lonny Jarrett. Five Element Acupuncture is an ancient medicine working to treat the cause of imbalance in the body, not the symptom. As an elemental medicine this system works with the laws of nature and the five elements that we see both outside ourselves, and within.

Grace's sessions are tailored to each patient, focusing on the individual to find what is at the root. Grace works with needles to move qi, or vital energy around the body, removing blockages and stagnation. This sacred system of Chinese Medicine works on the level of body, mind and spirit. Grace's sessions work deeply to bring patients back into alignment and wellness, with a greater connection to self. Through working with the principles of yin / yang theory, five element acupuncture can treat patterns of disharmony in the body which may show up in a myriad of ways through physical symptoms, mood disorders and so on.

Grace is a member of the British Acupuncture Federdation (BAF) and the Association of Five Element Acupuncturists (AFEA)

Book your first appointment with me

I offer sessions in the beautiful Hackney Downs Studios as part of my residency with The Dream Of on Mondays, I also work in the Elements Studio in the heart of Shoreditch on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. More details about these spaces can be found here.

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